Launched in 2022, Egon is a cross-platform MMORPG mobile game with the subtitle 'Infernallum,' centered around hell and war themes. The game encourages user cooperation and competition by ensuring that the majority of essential items can be earned through in-game activities rather than paid purchases. I played a key role as an early project member, defining rules for the initially unclear UI/UX through extensive research.
01.2020 - 12.2020
As a UX designer at Egon, I lead the design process for features and systems, collaborating closely with artists, directors, and programmers. I play a key role in shaping game services with the Unity Engine, ensuring effective implementation by harmonizing diverse perspectives through seamless communication in the development process
During the early stages of the project, the absence of clear standards and terminology for the UI led to confusion among colleagues, creating difficulties in the development process. To eliminate this inefficiency, I took the initiative to systematically organize the entire UI for Egon. Based on this effort, I defined terminology, UI systems, UI flow, and specifications, aiming to bring clarity and coherence to the project, resolving confusion and streamlining the development process.
problem solving.
Terminology Definition
I organized and categorized all UIs and pop-ups used in EGON, establishing consistent names and definitions to facilitate smooth communication among developers.
Terminology UI System Rule
I defined overall UI/UX rules and system guidelines for EGON's windows, ensuring uniform functionality across all aspects of the game.
Establishing rules for
HUD UI Windows
I categorized the positions where windows appear in HUD UI into six types and established rules to decide whether existing windows should be retained when new ones are created.
Establishing rules for
Screen Windows
I classified the window position types that appear above the screen into four categories. Screen Windows are designed with a background generated beneath them, and specific actions are restricted outside of the created window to set them apart from HUD UI windows.
Additionally, rules for handling collisions between new and existing windows have been established for Screen Windows as part of the project development process
Rules for Window
Creation and Termination
I established fundamental rules for the window creation flow based on the screen classification, defining the layer order accordingly. Additionally, I specified the approach for closing windows, outlining the criteria for deciding whether the same window should be closed during the project development process.
Terminology UI Standard
I established a standardized set of basic sizes and UI structures for windows, ensuring a consistent design across all window UIs. Additionally, I conducted research on other MMORPG games to classify pop-ups based on functionality. Using this classification, I set standards for pop-up sizes, allowing for a uniform and cohesive design for all pop-ups during the project development process
By establishing standardized terminology and rules for the UI, I successfully contributed to creating a cohesive language for all EGON team members. This uniformity greatly improved communication, boosting overall efficiency in the game development process. Through increased development speed and a focus on achieving successful outcomes, I played a pivotal role in significantly reducing implementation timelines for EGON's project.